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The Aversa Asprinio DOC wine is one of the appellation included in the Aversa DOC denomination in  Campania Region. This DOC include specific types of wine, which are characterized  by the vines allowed for their production, by the winemaking procedures and by the specific organoleptic characteristics of the wine. The vines that form part of the Aversa Asprinio DOC wine are Asprinio min.85%, others. We can easily recognize the Asprinio grape  from the straw yellow color with intense, fruity, characteristic ,dry and fresh on the palate.

Aversa Asprinio is a white grape variety of the DOC type whose production is allowed only  in the Area of Caserta, where it gives excellent results especially if planted with trees. The plant is often combined with live stakes which form a vegetal barrier capable of exceeding 20 meters in height.

The singular and fascinating traditional tree-lined (or festoons) breeding system for the production of Asprinio d’Aversa is in the list of candidates for the cultural and natural heritage of Unesco, for the protection of the rural, ancient and authentic tradition of the landscape viticulture.This unique vine training System is called “ALBERATA”.

The Aversa tree-lined consists of making the vines climb around tall poplars or elms, which act as guardians, even reaching 20 meters in height and forming real vegetable barriers, called married vineyards. For the harvest, narrow and high wooden ladders are used, and balancing skills are required of expert farmers, locally called “spidermen”. A job whose difficulty is naturally also encountered in pruning.

This type of viticulture allows for the preservation of a high degree of acidity in the grapes, since the distance of the bunches from the ground protects them from the effect of the heat, furthermore it insulates them from humidity, which would favor disease. The Asprinio grape produces a very dry wine, with citrine and citrus notes, ideal for making sparkling wine both with the classic method and with the charmat method, as the sharp acidity and the savory note make it fine wines. The first sparkling wine produced in Italy, dated 1493, as reported in historical documents, was in fact obtained with asprino grapes.

We,as part of the team, were really  lucky and we had the pleasure to taste ,thanks to the CMB sparkling session 2023 in Campania ,the very best production of this peculiar grape and particularly in his sparkling version. 2023Discover Asprinio di Aversa is like a walk in the past back to Etruscan viticulture origin still alive and represented by the Majestic training system”Vite Maritata” .For those who wants to know more about this wine  please give a look at the following links and Cheers!!